Casio G-Shock GSW-H1000 powered by Google's Wear OS was launched. Casio G-Shock GSW-H1000 is the company's first G-Shock watch part of its G-Squad lineup to be powered by Wear OS by Google. It comes equipped with a 1.2-inch capacitive touchscreen dual-layer display a colour TFT LCD 360x360 pixels and a monochrome LCD. The monochrome display come with always-on function to show time, while the colour LCD shows maps, notifications, sensor data, and other information The Wear OS watch works with both Android and iOS devices. Casio G-Shock GSW-H1000 smartwatch comes with air pressure/ altitude sensors, accelerometer, gyrometer, compass magnetic sensor, and an optical sensor PPG Heart Rate. The Casio original app built into the watch provides support for 15 outdoor activities including running, cycling, and 24 indoor workout options. It also allows the wearer to add up to 8 original indoor workouts to supplement the 24 preloaded options Casio G-Shock GSW-H...
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