TicWatch Pro 3 GPS With Snapdragon Wear 4100 SoC, Up to 72 Hours Battery Life Launched. TicWatch Pro 3 Has a Dual-display 2.0 technology and 595mAh battery, the smartwatch boasts of 72 hours of battery life in Smart Mode and up to 45 days in Essential ModeIt runs on Wear OS by Google and comes with 1GB of RAM and 8GB of storage. TicWatch Pro 3 GPS features a 1.4-inch 454x454 pixels Retina AMOLED display. On top of that, there is a low power consuming screen that refreshes every second and is always on. It is powered by the Qualcomm Snapdragon Wear 4100 SoC that offers an 85 percent increase in CPU and memory performance, 150 percent boost in GPU performance, and is more efficient when compared to the previous generation Snapdragon Wear 3100 processorTicWatch Pro 3 GPS offers over 10 types of workout modes including yoga, swimming, rowing, cycling, and running. It also offers sleep tracking, stress tracking, and blood oxygen saturation monitoring. TicWatch Pro 3 comes in a single Shadow Black colour option.
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