Gionee F8 Neo Budget Smartphone With Octa-Core SoC Launched in India. Gionee F8 Neo Features Android 10 and features a 5.45-inch HD+ 720x1,440 pixels display that has an 18:9 aspect ratio. Under the hood, there is an octa-core Unisoc formerly Spreadtrum SC9863 SoC, along with 2GB of RAMGionee F8 Neo comes with an 8-megapixel camera sensor at the back that is paired with an LED flash. There is also a 5-megapixel camera sensor at the front For the selfiesGionee F8 Neo has 32GB of onboard storage that is expandable via microSD card. Connectivity options include 4G LTE, Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, GPS/ A-GPS, Micro-USB, and a 3.5mm headphone jack. Gionee F8 Neo features a Gem Edge Design at the back. Gionee F8 Neo price has been set at Rs. 5,499 for the single 2GB RAM + 32GB storage variant. Gionee F8 Neo gives you Black, Blue, and Red colours.
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