Sennheiser Momentum True Wireless 2 Anniversary Edition Launched in India. The Sennheiser Momentum True Wireless 2 Anniversary Edition come in the all-black look that distinguishes them from their regular version. There is also Sennheiser's original logo on top of the earbuds and on the charging case to mark the 75th anniversary of the audio company. However, apart from the design changes, the Sennheiser Momentum True Wireless 2 Anniversary Edition earbuds carry the same specifications as the regular variantSennheiser Momentum True Wireless 2 Anniversary Edition also feature 7mm audio drivers and are designed to deliver stereo sound along with active noise cancellation. There is also a built-in battery that can last for seven hours. You can also extend the battery life to up to 28 hours using the charging case. The earbuds also include a built-in equaliser and can work with the Sennheiser Smart Control app to deliver a tailored audio experienceSennheiser Momentum True Wireless 2 Anniversary Edition price in India has been set at Rs. 24,990.
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