TicWatch Pro 3 GPS Smartwatch With Snapdragon Wear 4100 SoC Launched in India. TicWatch Pro 3 GPS runs on Wear OS and features a 1.4-inch AMOLED Retina display that has a 454x454 pixels resolution. The display also comes with automatic brightness adjustment and is designed to wake up with a flick of the wrist. Under the hood, it is powered by the Snapdragon Wear 4100 SoC that Qualcomm launched in July as the successor to the Snapdragon Wear 3100You will also get 1GB of RAM as well as 8GB of onboard storage. TicWatch Pro 3 GPS comes with inbuilt GPS that uses five Global Navigation Satellite System constellations to enable precise workout tracking. The smartwatch also comes with an IP68-rated chassis that is water- and dust-resistant. TicWatch Pro 3 GPS comes preloaded with a proprietary app called TicExercise that includes over 10 workout modes, including outdoor running, indoor running, cycling, swimming, rowing, and mountain climbing, among othersThere are also apps such as TicOxygen, TicZen, TicBreath, and TicHearing to track your vitals such as heart rate variability, blood oxygen saturation, and stress levels. TicWatch Pro 3 GPS price in India has been set at Rs. 27,999. TicWatch Pro 3 GPS will go on sale through Amazon. TicWatch Pro 3 GPS Comes in Shadow Black colour option.
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