Apple could launch new products before we enter into 2021. These products can be AirPods Studio headphones and long-rumoured AirTags which is a tracking device. AirPods Studio and AirTags are two of such products that have been doing rounds on the internet since longAnd now, this latest leaker's tweet could be a hint in that direction. AirPods Studio, in fact, could be the next potential launch from Apple as iOS 14.3 beta also includes its icon. AirPods Studio will be Apple’s first ever pair of high-end over-the-ear wireless headphones. AirPods Studio could reportedly include interchangeable parts. The pads of the headphones said to be magnetic that can easily be taken off. Furthermore, users will not have to look for the left/right headphone pad while wearing the headphones. AirPods Studio may come with an ability to detect whether the headphone pad is on the left or right ear and will produce audio accordinglyAnother noteworthy feature of AirPods Studio could be 'Neck Detection'. The feature will allow headphones to detect and understand when users’ headphones are not in use and rather left around the neck. There are also conjectures about Apple to launch AirPods Studio in two dedicated styles -one for the sports enthusiast, and other as a high-end luxury version. Apple AirTags is a tracking device that may help users to find items such as keys, phone, or a backpack.
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