Google Pixel 4a launched in Blue colour Option. Google Pixel 4a in Barely Blue features a light baby blue colour with an orange power button. Google usually offers around three colour options with its Pixel phones but the Pixel 4a was launched in only one colour. Barely Blue was actually rumoured for the Pixel 4a but it was later reported that Google has scraped plans for itGoogle Pixel 4a features a 5.8-inchfull HD+ OLED display with a punch-hole camera. It is powered by Qualcomm’s Snapdragon 730G processor paired with 6GB of RAM and 128GB of storage. Pixel 4a Provides a 12.2-megapixel rear camera, and an 8-megapixel front camera. The smartphone has all the Pixel camera features such as HDR+ Portrait Mode, Night Sight, and Top ShotGoogle Pixel 4a Blue Editions is priced at $349. Google Pixel 4a in Barely Blue has been launched in a limited quantity, and only in the US. The smartphone is available exclusively on Google Store, and unlocked.
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