BenQ has launched two new entertainment monitors in India. The monitors carry model numbers EW3280U and EW2780Q. BenQ EW3280U monitor has a 32-inch 4K UHD 3840x2160 pixels IPS panel that supports BenQ's HDRi and VESA DisplayHDR 400 for optimised images and an immersive display experience. BenQ says that its HDRi technology combines brightness intelligence, colour saturation, balance optimisation, and proprietary HDR image techniques to accentuate image contrast and clarityIt comes with 5 millisecond GtG response time and a 60Hz refresh rate. The monitor has two built-in 2W BenQ ‘treVolo' stereo speakers and one 5W woofer on board. It has 95 percent DCI-P3 color gamut with HDR, and supports FreeSync technology. There is an additional USB Type-C port on board alongside the other traditional ports like HDMI. It comes with several eye-care features like Brightness Intelligence Plus, low blue light, and flicker-free technologies, as well as a new ePaper Mode, Eye Reminder, and Color Weakness Mode. BenQ EW3280U monitor is priced at Rs. 69,990BenQ EW2780Q monitor has a 27-inch 2K UHD IPS panel, also with BenQ's HDRi support for an immersive display. It has two 5W ‘treVolo' stereo speakers and offers 5 millisecond GtG response time with a 60Hz refresh rate. There's 99 percent sRGB colour gamut with HDR. The monitor is also equipped with eye-care features like Brightness Intelligence Plus, TUV-certified flicker-free, low blue light, and ePaper mode. BenQ EW2780Q monitor is priced at Rs. 29,999 in India. These monitors are available with partner retail outlets, which can be searched for on the company site.
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