Motorola could be working on a flagship smartphone. Two renders of a mysterious Motorola phone and a schematic sketch of the back have surfaced online. These were spotted first on Weibo, as per a report by China's CNMO. The renders show the front of the phone, and it is seen to have a hole-punch cutout placed in the top centre. The sides are all curved, including the top and bottom edges. There are no side buttons on the phone, and it remains to be seen how physical buttons will be integrated on this handsetThe schematic sketch shows that the phone may have a quad rear camera setup that comprises three sensors in one line and a fourth sensor placed on the side. There's also a flash sitting on the opposite side. All the sensors are placed inside a rectangular module on the top-centre of the back panel. There's no rear fingerprint sensor seen in the schematic sketch, hinting that it may have a under-screen fingerprint scanner. Motorola flagship phone that was reported earlier, it can be speculated to be powered by the Snapdragon 888 SoCReports claim that this phone may have a high refresh rate AMOLED panel, along with support for fast charging as well as reverse wireless charging. The retail box image shared by Jin doesn't offer much detail, but hints that the company is indeed working on a new smartphone to launch in China soon.
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