Qualcomm has released synthetic benchmark results of its new flagship Snapdragon 888 processor. The chip-maker announced the Snapdragon 888 on the first day of the summit as it gave a glimpse of what’s coming to the flagship smartphones of 2021. Qualcomm conducted a series of synthetic benchmark tests on a reference design powered by the Snapdragon 888 chip and looks like we have yet another winner at our handsHowever, Qualcomm reiterated its stand on using benchmark apps as it believes that they only measure a subset of use cases and fail to capture the wide array of experiences enabled by Snapdragon, including connectivity, photography, videography, audio, battery life and charging speeds, and more. Qualcomm ran each test three times so the scores shared are the average result from three iterations. The Snapdragon 888 powered device scored 735439 points on AnTuTu benchmark which is more than the score of the current leaderboard champion Huawei Mate 40 Pro with a score of 661059 points. The score of the Snapdragon 888 is around 21 percent more than the Snapdragon 865+ powered Asus ROG Phone 3 and 26% more than the Snapdragon 865 on the OnePlus 8T. On Geekbench single-core tests, the Snapdragon 888 was awarded 1135 points and 3794 points on multi-core tests. As per the leaderboard, OnePlus 8 currently leads the pack with 886 single-core points, 3201 multi-core score and Snapdragon 865 under the hoodIn comparison to our Geekbench scores of the ROG Phone 3 and OnePlus 8T, the Snapdragon 888 has 18% increase in scores over the Snapdragon 865+ and 28% over the Snapdragon 865. Similarly, the Snapdragon 888 has registered a 17% and 24% increase in scores over the Snapdragon 865+ and 865, respectively. Xiaomi, Realme, OnePlus and Oppo have already revealed their plans of launching a phone powered by the Snapdragon 888 in early 2021.
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