LG K42 has been launched in India with quad rear cameras. K42 runs on Android 10 with LG UX on top and features a 6.6-inch HD+ 720x1,600 display with a 20:9 aspect ratio. It is powered by octa-core MediaTek Helio P22 (MT6762) SoC, coupled with 3GB of RAMFor photos and videos, the LG K42 houses a quad rear camera setup that includes a 13-megapixel primary sensor and a 5-megapixel secondary sensor with a super-wide-angle lens. The camera setup also comes with a 2-megapixel depth sensor and a 2-megapixel macro shooter. For selfies and video chats, the LG K42 features an 8-megapixel selfie camera sensor at the front. LG has provided a Flash Jump Cut feature that allows the camera to take four still images with some intervals, alongside using the flash to indicate when the sensors are capturing imagesThere is also a Time Helper feature that blinks the flash to alert users before the phone captures an image. Further, the phone includes an AI Cam feature that uses artificial intelligence (AI) backed algorithms to recommend an optimal camera mode among eight different modes after analysing subjects in the frame. LG K42 comes with 64GB of onboard storage. Connectivity options include 4G LTE, Wi-Fi, Bluetooth v5.0, GPS/ A-GPS, and a USB Type-C port. The phone also comes with a side-mounted fingerprint sensorThe LG K42 packs a 4,000mAh battery. LG K42 price in India has been set at Rs. 10,990 for the lone 3GB RAM + 64GB storage variant and will be available for purchase exclusively through Flipkart. LG K42 comes in Gray and Green colour options.
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