Mi Notebook 14 (IC) has launched as the latest laptop offering by Xiaomi in India. Mi Notebook 14 (IC) runs on Windows 10 Home Edition and features a 14-inch full-HD 1,920x1,080 pixels anti-glare display with 16:9 aspect ratio, 81.2 percent screen-to-body ratio, and 178-degree wide-viewing angleIt is powered by the 1.6GHz Intel Core i5-10210U quad-core processor paired with Intel UHD Graphics 620 and the option to integrate Nvidia GeForce MX250 graphics as well. There's up to 8GB of RAM and up to 512GB of SSD storage. Mi Notebook 14 (IC) ports include two USB Type-A ports, one USB 2.0 port, one HDMI port, one mic/audio jack combo, and one DC jack. Connectivity options include Bluetooth v5, Wi-Fi ac. The laptop integrates a 720p webcam and has two 2W speakers on board. It weighs 1.5kg and measures 323x228x17.95mm. As mentioned, the Mi Notebook 14 (IC) has a 46Whr battery that is claimed to provide up to 10 hours of battery lifeIt comes with a 65W fast charger that gets you up and running from 0 to 50 percent in just over 35 minutes. The notebook is built from an aluminium and magnesium alloy coated through a process of anodised sandblasting. The Mi Notebook 14 (IC) is priced in India starting at Rs. 43,999. It is already available to buy in a single Silver colour option through Mi.com. It will also be available via Mi Homes, Amazon.in, Flipkart.
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