ZTE Axon 30 5G teased with 200MP camera and Snapdragon 888 SoC. ZTE recently became the first brand to launch its Axon 20 Pro 5G smartphone with under-display selfie cameraThe teaser showed a silhouette of the smartphone along with an unusual bar designed that has a large bump on the right side. As per the speculations, the bump is said to include the smartphone cameras. Qianhao has also talked about the advantages of Qualcomm Snapdragon 888, indicating that the device will feature the same SoC, along with its support for 200-megapixel sensors. It is being said that this is also a subtle hint that the upcoming handset may get a 200-megapixel sensor manufactured by Samsung. sensor size in the 200-megapixel camera might be smaller than the one in 108-megapixel camera, which is found in the Galaxy S21 UltraThe sensor size will also affect how much light is captured in each click. ZTE exec talks about the Snapdragon 888’s low light image capture performance, it somewhere suggests that the company might be making up for the lack of sensor size by including two separate pixel binning modes in the camera. Axon 30 Pro 5G, although the camera is said to have a four-in-one pixel binning mode for 50-megapixel images, there might be an additional 16-in-1 binning mode that can give an output of 12.5-megapixel images but much brighter shots.
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