Lenovo Tab P11 Pro has been launched in India. Lenovo runs on Android 10. It features an 11.5-inch WQXGA 2,560x1,600 pixels OLED display with a 500 nits of peak brightness and 100 percent sRGB colour gamut. The display also comes with Dolby Vision and HDR supportLenovo Tab P11 Pro has an octa-core Qualcomm Snapdragon 730G SoC, along with Adreno 618 GPU, 6GB of LPDDR4x RAM, and 128GB of onboard UFS 2.1 storage. Lenovo has provided an 8-megapixel primary camera sensor and an 8-megapixel Infrared (IR) camera sensor at the front. The tablet also has a dual rear camera setup that comprises a 13-megapixel primary sensor with a wide-angle lens and a 5-megapixel secondary sensor with an ultra-wide-angle lensLenovo Tab P11 Pro comes with 4G LTE support through a SIM card slot. Other connectivity options include Wi-Fi 802.11 a/b/g/n/ac, Bluetooth 5.0, and a USB Type-C port. Lenovo Tab P11 Pro comes with support for the Keyboard Cover that has 18mm pitch and 1.3mm key travel. The cover comes with a free-stop hinge that can keep the tablet at an angle between zero and 165 degrees. The tablet also comes preloaded with Microsoft Office apps to provide better productivityLenovo Tab P11 Pro features three different modes keyboard mode for typing, stand mode for watching multimedia, and handheld mode for browsing the Web. The tablet also supports reverse charging and is rated to deliver up to 15 hours of video playback on a single charge. It features quad JBL speakers with 2.5cc chambers optimised by Dolby Atmos sound technology. The company has also provided smart algorithms that are touted to help offer consistent user-facing cinematic surround sound. Lenovo Tab P11 Pro price in India at Rs. 44,999 and it comes in a Slate Grey colour variant. It will go on sale starting midnight on February 14.
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