LG Gram 360 Laptop With Intel Tiger Lake CPU, 360-Degree Hinge Design Launched. LG Gram 360 runs Windows 10 Home and the 14-inch model comes with a WUXGA 1,920x1,200 pixels IPS display. The 16-inch model has a WQXGA 2,560x1,600 pixels IPS display and both models have a taller 16:10 aspect ratio, as the resolution suggestsLG Gram 360 is powered by the 11th-Generation Intel Core i5-1135G7 CPU and Intel Iris Xe Graphics. It comes with 8GB of LPDDR4x RAM clocked at 4,266MHz. For storage, you get 256GB M.2 NVMe SSD with a single expansion slot to upgrade storage down the line. The audio is handled by two 2W speakers that support HD Audio and DTS:X Ultra. The keyboard is backlit and the touch pad supports Windows gestures. For connectivity, LG Gram 360 comes with Wi-Fi 6, Gigabit Ethernet, headphone jack, a USB 3.1 port, and two USB Type-C ports PD, Thunderbolt 4. You get an HD webcam on both models and a fingerprint readerThe 14-inch model is backed by a 72Whr battery while the 16-inch model is backed by an 80Whr battery. LG says the LG Gram 360 is MIL-STD compliant and has passed seven tests for shock, dust, high temperature, low temperature, vibration, salt mist, and low pressure. LG Gram 360 14-inch is priced at KRW 2.09 million for the base configuration and is offered in Obsidian Black and Topaz Green. LG Gram 360 16-inch is priced at KRW 2.24 million and comes in Obsidian Black and Quartz Silver colour.
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