PTron Bassbuds Jets TWS Earphones Launched in India. PTron Bassbuds Jets TWS earphones feature a flat touch sensitive area on both the earbuds that can be used to control calls, music and summon voice assistants including Google Assistant and Siri Each earbud features a 10mm dynamic driver to deliver Hi-Fi stereo sound with deep bass. The earphones come with Bluetooth v5.0 connectivity that provides strong connection over 10 metre distance. As per the company, the earbuds provide passive noise cancelation, and take about 3-5 seconds to pair with a smartphone. PTron Bassbuds Jets magnetic case has a 400mAh battery which can be charged in 2 hoursThe earbuds are claimed to provide 5 hours of music playback, and with the case, the total playback time is said to be 20 hours. The earbuds offer users to choose from stereo or mono mode for calling. Each earbud has built-in mics and feature IPX4 rating for water and sweat resistance. PTron Bassbuds Jets TWS earphones are priced at Rs. 999, and Available in Dazzling Blue, Ravishing White and Classy Black colours.
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