Samsung Galaxy F02s With Waterdrop Style Display Notches Launched in India. Samsung Galaxy F02s runs on Android 10 with One UI on top and features a 6.5-inch HD+ 720x1,600 pixels HD+ Infinity-V Display that brings 20:9 aspect ratioUnder the hood, the Samsung Galaxy F02s has an octa-core Qualcomm Snapdragon 450 SoC, along with up to 4GB of RAM. The phone also comes with the triple rear camera setup that has a 13-megapixel primary sensor, 2-megapixel depth sensor, and a 2-megapixel sensor with a macro lens. Samsung Galaxy F02s has a 5-megapixel selfie camera sensor at the front. Samsung Galaxy F02s has up to 64GB of internal storage that supports expansion via microSD card up to 1TB through a dedicated slot. Connectivity options include 4G LTE, Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, GPS/ A-GPS, USB Type-C, and a 3.5mm headphone jackSamsung Galaxy F02s Provided with 5,000mAh battery that supports 15W fast charging through the bundled charger. Samsung Galaxy F02s price in India has been set at Rs. 8,999 for the 3GB RAM + 32GB storage variant and Rs. 9,999 for the 4GB RAM + 64GB storage option. The phone comes in Diamond Black, Diamond Blue, and Diamond White colour options.
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