Samsung Smart Monitor M5 and Smart Monitor M7 have launched in India. Samsung Smart Monitor M5 has a 27-inch full-HD 1,920x1,080 pixels display and the Samsung Smart Monitor M7 has a 32-inch 4K 3,840x2,160 pixels display. Both have a VA panel with 16:9 aspect ratio, 250 nits of peak brightness, 8ms (GtG) response time, HDR10 support, 3,000:1 contrast ratio, and 178-degree viewing anglesThe Samsung Smart Monitors come with a standard 60Hz refresh rate. Both the M5 and M7 have Samsung's Flicker-Free technology, Eye Saver mode, Game mode, HDMI-CEC, adaptive picture, and Auto Source Switch+ feature. They run on Samsung's Tizen 5.5 OS with support for Samsung SmartThings app. They also come with ConnectShare 2.0 and sound mirroring. The Samsung Smart Monitor M5 and M7 come with two HDMI ports, three USB ports, Bluetooth v4.2, and Wi-Fi built-in. They also come with built-in two-channel speakersSamsung Smart Monitor M5 and M7 allow you to watch Netflix, YouTube, Apple TV and other OTT apps without requiring a PC or a laptop connection. Users can also remotely connect the monitors with their office PC and edit documents using Microsoft 365. With Samsung DeX support, compatible Samsung smartphone users can have a desktop-like experience by connecting their phones to the monitors. Samsung Smart Monitor M5 and M7 allows for tilt adjustment, and the monitors can also be wall-mounted. The power supply is internal for both monitorsSamsung Smart Monitor M5 is priced at Rs. 28,000 but is available at Rs. 21,999 for a limited time. The Samsung Smart Monitor M7 is priced at Rs. 57,000 but is currently available at Rs. 36,999.
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