HP has launched three new Pavilion series laptops in India. HP Pavilion 13 runs on Windows 10 Home and features a 13.3-inch full-HD 1,920x1,080 pixels display with 250 nits of peak brightness. It is powered by Intel Core i5 11th-Gen processor paired with 16GB RAM and 512GB SSD storage. The laptop integrates Intel Iris Xe graphics. Ports include one or more USB Type-C, two USB Type-A, one HDMI 2.0, and one headphone/ mic combo There's a microSD card slot as well. The laptop has dual speakers on board with a 720p HD camera. Connectivity options include Wi-Fi ac and Bluetooth 5. The HP Pavilion 13 has a 43 Whr lithium-ion battery with a 65W power adapter. HP Pavilion 14 has a slightly larger 14-inch full-HD IPS display with 250 nits of peak brightness and the HP Pavilion 15 has a 15.6 full-HD display. The battery on both the HP Pavilion 14 and HP Pavilion 15 is said to last for up to 8.75 hours. The HP Pavilion 14 and HP Pavilion 15 come with up to Nvidia GeForce MX450 gra...