Intel Iris Xe Max Discrete GPU for Slim Laptops Announced, Promises AI and Encoding Performance Boost. The Intel Iris Xe Max GPU is based on the same Xe-LP GPU as the integrated GPUs in 11th Gen Core Tiger Lake processors. It is targeted at thin-and-light laptops and will be able to work in conjunction with an integrated GPU. This is enabled through a software framework that Intel calls this Deep Link. The primary applications that can be accelerated by “stacking” the capabilities of both GPUs include AI inferencing and video encoding. Intel claims up to 7 times faster AI-based content creation on the 11th Gen Core i7-1165G7 CPU plus Iris Xe Max GPU compared to a laptop with a 10th Gen Intel Core i7-1065G7 CPU and Nvidia GeForce MX350 GPU As for media encoding, Intel says it has achieved 1.78X better results than with a Core i9-10980HK and GeForce RTX 2080 Super MaxQ. Deep Link is also able to dynamically manage power and thermal headroom between the GPU and CPU, resul...